France has set a carbon neutrality objective by 2050, as part of its contribution to the Paris Agreement. The agricultural sector is the second most emitting sector, accounting for about 20% of French GHG emissions. Its emissions can be mitigated mainly by reducing N2O and CH4 emissions, and by increasing soil organic carbon stocks. Mitigation levers can consist in changing the production system (e.g., by changing land use, feed rations, or herd size) or adopting new agricultural practices (such as developing intra-plot agroforestry or using nitrification inhibitors). Determining how and at what cost the French agricultural sector can contribute to the national mitigation effort is essential for designing cost-effective public policies. Our aim is therefore to model the cost-effective timing of mitigation levers implementation in the French context, in order to achieve the sector’s climate objectives. To do so, we develop a dynamic agricultural supply model that maximizes farmers’ income under a net GHG emissions level constraint. An originality of our approach is that we consider both changes in agricultural practices and production systems, as well as GHG emissions and carbon sequestration. Another is that we take into account carbon sequestration in a dynamic way. We apply this model to 18 farm types in the Grand-Est region.
Informations pratiques
11 janvier 2022