Sustainable production systems
FAST – Facilitate public action to exit from pesticides
Project advanced to 70%

The FAST project aims at providing evidence of the effectiveness of a variety of public actions for triggering a large-scale transition to pesticide-free agriculture, and at assessing the socio-economic consequences of such a radical change. The general objective of our project is to propose concrete solutions (political and organizational), directly usable by the public decision-makers […]

Sustainable production systems
CLINORG – CLImate Neutral ORGanic farming
Project advanced to 95%

Organic farming, food diets, land-use change and greenhouse gas emission: exploring the safe operating space for climate neutral organic farming expansion in the European Union. Agricultural food production is responsible of roughly one quarter of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Curbing those emissions is key to achieve the Paris Agreement objectives. Organic farming has good […]

Sustainable diets
SPEED – Seeds with Plasma for Sustainable Environmental Effect
Project advanced to 16%

Faced with the many challenges that French agriculture must address, the seed and plant sector aims to prepare for the future by developing an alternative to phytopharmaceutical seed treatments through the application of cold plasma. The objective for the targeted species (durum wheat, barley, beet, onion, and pea) is to evaluate the effects of an […]

Sustainable diets
ANR LOBBIES – Industries and Lobbies Delaying or Driving the Energy Transition
Project advanced to 16%

The aim is to open the black box of the policy-making process to examine where and how private interests influence decisions related to the energy transition. The project will look at the problem from different yet complementary perspectives: the economic motives that drive firms into lobbying, the formation and organization of interest groups, the interference […]

Sustainable diets
ANR SOUVNUTRI -A prospective analysis of the tensions between higher self-sufficiency and a healthier, more sustainable food system
Project advanced to 63%

How and to what extent could the French food production system ensure healthy and sustainable diets for its population while increasing its capability for self-sufficiency? From a political point of view, there is a growing demand from consumers/citizens for what is considered a better control of the food chain and its social/societal externality for a […]

Sustainable diets
DESTINY – Design and Sustainability Assessment of Innovative biomass production systems and value-chains in the Bioeconomy
Project advanced to 2%

Developing bioeconomy features is high on the European policy agenda to tackle societal challenges such as climate change, the phasing out of fossil resources, and the advent of much-needed ecological and energy transitions. However, transitioning into an economy based on regionally available biological resources will substantially increase the demand for biomass from forestry and agriculture. It […]